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Centennial Shabbat

Celebrate 100 years of Federation by participating in one of the many Community Shabbat programs across Greater MetroWest NJ.

Experience Elizabeth Shabbaton (JEC Elmora Ave Shul)

JEC Elmora Avenue Shul 330 Elmora Ave, Elizabeth

Come see what we're all about at our Elizabeth Shabbaton. Join us for exciting Shabbat programming, including prayers on Shabbat evening, morning, and afternoon, an Oneg Shabbat, a sumptuous kiddush. […]

Bring in the Light Centennial Shabbat

JCC of Central NJ in Scotch Plains 1391 Martine Avenue, Scotch Plains

Early Childhood Shabbat program 9:15 am with song, dance and ritual- 250 children and their teachers, parents/grandparents will be invited to attend. All who enter the building on Feb 2nd […]


Preschool Family Shabbat Program

Congregation Beth El 222 Irvington Ave, South Orange

Shabbat dinner for young families with craft rotations related to the Torah portion that week.


Together for Shabbat

JSDD Cooperman Family Campus 310 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston

Together for Shabbat is a special community supper made possible through a grant from the Centennial Shabbat Committee and our Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest N.J This beautiful gathering will […]

Preschool Family Shabbat Sha-Bubble Party!

Congregation Beth El 222 Irvington Ave, South Orange

Our preschool families will join together for blessings, dinner and a bubble party in celebration of Shabbat.


Intergenerational Centennial Shabbat Experience

Temple Emanu-El of Westfield 756 East Broad Street, Westfield

We hope to celebrate Centennial Shabbat in an intergenerational way bringing all ages of our synagogue community together to experience Shabbat and learn about our Federation's history. We plan on […]


Shabbat Across GOA

Golda Och Academy

We are so excited to partner Shabbat Across GOA with the GMW Centennial Shabbat. GOA families will sign up to be a host family or a guest family and will […]


GPATS Shabbaton

Congregation Anshe Chesed 1000 Orchard Terrace, Linden

Candle Lighting at 4:57pm  


Shabbat B’Yachad

Maplewood Jewish Center 113 Parker Ave, Maplewood

Shabbat Dinner with Speaker and babysitters.


Magical Shabbat Dinner

Congregation Ohr Torah 270 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange

Community Shabbat Dinner with visiting magicians


Celebrating our Diverse Community

Oheb Shalom Congregation 170 Scotland Rd, South Orange

The evening begins with a Young Family Dinner at 5 p.m., then our Shabbat Service at 6 p.m., followed by our regular Shabbat Dinner at 7 p.m., which will highlight […]


Disney Style Family Shabbat

Come dressed in your favorite Disney costume Tot Shabbat Service - 5:15pm Shabbat Dinner - 6:00pm Family Shabbat Service - 7:00pm  

Israel Shabbat

Temple B'nai Jeshurun 1025 S Orange Ave, Short Hills

Special Shabbat with congregant speakers who have been on missions to Israel in the last few months. It will be during our weekly Shabbat service, geared towards all adults, with […]


Jewish Federation Centennial Shabbat at TBJ

Temple B'nai Jeshurun 1025 S Orange Ave, Short Hills

Please come to Friday evening services to hear reflections from TBJ congregants who just returned from Israel. We are honored to participate in the Jewish Federation Centennial Shabbat, celebrating 100 […]

A Magical Light-filled Shabbat

Temple B'nai Or 60 Overlook Rd., Morristown

All are welcome to join Temple B’nai Or in Morristown for a light-filled celebration of community and the power we have to bring light into the world as part of […]

Centennial Shabbat

Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel 432 Scotland Road, South Orange

A special celebratory oneg after services with musicians.


Friday Night Community Dinner

JESPY House in South Orange 102 Prospect Street, South Orange

Friday Night Community Dinner. JESPY's weekly Friday Night Community Dinners are special opportunities for our clients, adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, to come together and share a meal with […]


Shabbat L’Khulam service- an inclusive service for all abilities

Temple Beth Shalom 193 East Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Livingston

In recognition of Federation’s Centennial Shabbat and Shabbat Shalem/ February being Jewish Disability month, please join us at Temple Beth Shalom on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd at 6:PM for our Shabbat […]


Federation Centennial/Scout Shabbat

Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael 60 Temple Dr., Springfield

Please join TBAY as we honor our local Scouts and celebrate the Centennial of Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest


Federation Centennial Shabbat

Temple Beth El Mekor Chayim 338 Walnut Ave, Cranford

A family service followed by a congregational dinner and then a Shabbat evening service with a speaker. Rabbi Kerbel will lead a discussion on Shabbat morning on the importance of […]


Community Centennial Shabbat

Temple Beth O'r Beth Torah 111 Valley Road, Clark

A musical and participatory Shabbat service followed by dinner to celebrate community .

Special Family Centennial Shabbat

Temple Beth Am 841 Mountain Way, Morris Plains

Family Shabbat dinner planned before services; a special family service will be developed to incorporate the Centennial and talk about the Federation's first 100 years; a project for the children attending that evening would be developed age-group specific. After the service, there will be a special Centennial-themed Oneg Shabbat jointly with our friends at Adath […]


GRTW Community Shabbat Dinner

Gottesman RTW Academy 146 Dover Chester Road, Randolph

A celebration of our Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest's 100 years of service to the Jewish community and abroad.

Centennial Shabbat

Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael 177 Speedwell Ave, Morristown

Free Shabbat dinner together to celebrate Centennial Shabbat!


Family Shabbat Dinner

Gottesman RTW Academy 146 Dover Chester Road, Randolph

A Community Shabbat Dinner at Gottesman RTW Academy in honor of the Centennial. Head of School, Moshe Vaknin will run a Kabbalat Shabbat service followed by a traditional shabbat dinner. […]


Community Shabbat Dinner and Scholar In Residence with Dr Ora Prouser

Congregation B'nai Israel 40 Whitenack Road, Basking Ridge

We will bring in Shabbat together to kick off Centennial Shabbat and JDAIM. Beginning with a Chinese Food Shabbat Dinner that will include acknowledging our new synagogue members, followed by Shabbat services featuring a discussion with Dr. Ora Horn Prouser and concluding with Shabbat Oneg as a chance to celebrate coming together as a community. […]


Scholar in Residence Weekend with Dr. Ora Horn Prouser for JDAIM

Congregation Beth Israel - Scotch Plains 18 Shalom Way, Scotch Plains

Spend Shabbat with us as we kickoff JDAIM and Greater MetroWest Federation's Centennial celebration with our Scholar in Residence Dr. Ora Horn Prouser. Shabbat experiences include: Community Chinese Food Shabbat Dinner at 6:15 PM during which time we will acknowledge our new CBI members and the Federation's Centennial. We will then get a chance to […]

Scholar in Residence Weekend with Dr. Ora Horn Prouser for JDAIM

Congregation Beth Israel - Scotch Plains 18 Shalom Way, Scotch Plains

Spend Shabbat with us as we kickoff JDAIM and Greater MetroWest Federation's Centennial celebration with our Scholar in Residence Dr. Ora Horn Prouser. Shabbat experiences include: Community Chinese Food Shabbat Dinner at 6:15 PM during which time we will acknowledge our new CBI members and the Federation's Centennial. We will then get a chance to […]

Federation Shabbat Across Bloomfield

Temple Ner Tamid 936 Broad Street, Bloomfield

We will gather together for services. At services, Rabbi Katz will speak about the history of the federation and why it matters. Then, we will split in four home hosted […]


Jewish Cartooning and Storytelling weekend

Temple B'nai Abraham 300 E Northfield Rd, Livingston

Jordan Gorfinkel will be the scholar-in-residence. He's overseeing the Koren project of turning the Tanakh into a graphic novel. Formerly, he was the managing editor of the DC line of Batman comics.


Friday Night Shabbat Service with Israeli Dancing and Potluck Dinner

Congregation Beth Hatikvah 36 Chatham Road, Summit

Music Shabbat Service - Israeli Dancing and Potluck Dinner Friday, February 2 Potluck at 6:30, Services at 7:30 PM (in-person only) 6:30 PM Potluck (in person) If you would like to participate in the potluck, please bring a dairy/pareve (non-meat) dish based on your last name: A-I Mains, J-M Sides, N-Z Desserts. 7:30 PM Shabbat […]


Together for Shabbat

Jewish Service for the Developmentally Disabled (JSDD) 310 Eisenhower Pkwy, Livingston

This program will bring together the JSDD community (residents, WAE Center members, families, caregivers) in person to celebrate Shabbat. Currently, JSDD’s Judaic Coordinator hosts a virtual Shabbat dinner with residents […]


Shabbat Dinner and Games

Chabad of Randolph 26 W Hanover Ave, Randolph

Shabbat Dinner and games for the young families in the community


Hinei Mah Tov Metrowest!

Adath Shalom 841 Mountain Way, Morris Plains

Educate and inspire our congregation and families about the many facets and partner agencies of the Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest New Jersey. Families will progress through a round robin of informational tables (along with a special "build your own dessert") presenting all that Federation does for our shul community and the Jewish community.
