The evening begins with a Young Family Dinner at 5 p.m., then our Shabbat Service at 6 p.m., followed by our regular Shabbat Dinner at 7 p.m., which will highlight both the Centennial Shabbat and Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). The WAE Center has graciously agreed to bring their art to Oheb Shalom to be displayed for that evening, and we will welcome members from Jespy House and the Jewish Services for the Developmentally Disabled (JSDD).
Oheb Shalom has a tradition of First Friday Shabbat, (a large celebration for the First Shabbat of each month) where we provide a festive meal following Shabbat services, and this Centennial Shabbat coincides with our First Friday and the beginning of JDAIM, which guarantees a wonderful turnout.
The combination of both the Centennial Shabbat weekend and the JDAIM Shabbat will be a powerful, emotional, spiritual, and educational experience for all the participants.
Questions? Contact Michelle Strassberg at [email protected]
Centennial Event Sponsor
Jay & Jodi Murnick, Lee Murnick, Amy & Mark McKeag and families in honor of Maxine B. & Theodore R. z”l MurnickCentennial Diamond Sponsors
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ
Sally Gottesman in honor of her parents Paula & Jerry z”l Gottesman Mandelbaum and Goldberg Family UJA Benefit Concert Supporting Foundation of JCF Wilf Family Foundations