We Care

We care for people in need.

With our network of community partner agencies, Federation ensures that no members of our community slip through the cracks.

Together, we provide a variety of services to individuals with disabilities and their families, programs and aide to seniors (including the hundreds of Holocaust survivors who reside in Greater MetroWest), pastoral care at local hospitals and senior housing centers, mental health assistance, career counseling, and much more. We also provide year-round opportunities for members of our community to volunteer to lend a helping hand to those who need it.


Our Center for Volunteerism provides a variety of service opportunities to care for those in need, strengthen our Jewish community, and make a difference in the lives of others.

Holocaust Survivors / Seniors

Along with 11 local partners, we provide a continuum of care to help older community members handle physical issues, as well as mental health, spiritual, housing, and transportation concerns.

Mental health

We raise awareness and work to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness and to providing information, guidance, and resources to those in our community.


We promote inclusive practices for individuals with disabilities and their families and work to ensure that all community members have opportunities to meaningfully participate in all aspects of Jewish life.

Pastoral care

Our professionally trained Jewish chaplains provide spiritual care at several major medical centers, senior housing residences, and as needed to individuals in their homes, over the phone, or on Zoom.

Career Center

Looking for a job? Check out the listings at our partner agencies and area synagogues.

Holocaust survivors receive critical supports through our partners


community members participate annually in service projects

adults and children receive social social services through our partners

“We started off our day at our home in Springfield and headed to the Aidekman Jewish Community Campus in Whippany to pack Passover food boxes for those in need… We met up with others at Temple Beth O’r Beth Torah in Clark and we all went together to visit individuals with special needs in Linden. They were so happy to see and interact with my kids, and my kids enjoyed interacting with them… we then made our way over to the JCC of Central NJ in Scotch Plains where we packed bags of school supplies for Israeli families in need… I went to Newark to deliver the boxes we had all packed in the morning. Finally, we concluded the CommUNITY Mitzvah Day Plus! at our home by packing bags of snacks for patients with cancer.”

— Seth Huttel, community volunteer and dad extraordinaire

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