Congregation Shomrei Emunah In Montclair, NJ is proud to partner with Moving Traditions to launch a Tzelem group for LGBTQ+ teens. This group is open to 7th - 12th graders […]
Join Kahal Chaverim, the NJ Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, for our 2024 Passover Seder, with live music by The NY Troubadours! *Mendham, NJ. As ours is a cooperative congregation, we will each be bringing dishes to contribute to the meal. Beverages will be provided. We will also stream the Seder for those who prefer to […]
4 part training series for students to learn stories of Holocaust Survivors and propagate them in Greater MetroWest. Cohort based experience that will empower ambassadors to the community for the Shoah. Culmination of the group will be an in person production on Yom Hashoah (Jewish Holocaust remembrance Day) to share the stories of those who […]
The event will focus on giving our Center for Women clients an opportunity to select donated costume jewelry and silky scarfs to take home in advance of Mother’s Day.
The Jewish Journey Group meets monthly and features Jewish texts that spark meaningful discussions. Topics include Rites of Passage, Mindfulness and Conscious Living, and Judaism and the Environment. No prior knowledge is necessary to join the group. Every topic is standalone, so you don’t need to attend every session.
The Jewish Journey Group meets monthly and features Jewish texts that spark meaningful discussions. Topics include Rites of Passage, Mindfulness and Conscious Living, and Judaism and the Environment. No prior knowledge is necessary to join the group. Every topic is standalone, so you don’t need to attend every session.
The event will focus on giving our Center for Women clients an opportunity to select donated costume jewelry and silky scarfs to take home in advance of Mother’s Day.
Ethical Dilemmas in Working with Older Adults A free professional development event for Greater MetroWest agency staff who work with older adults. Speaker: Stephen Sidorsky, LCSW, Continuing Education Instructor, Rutgers School of Social Work The population of older adults is growing, changes are occurring in cultural norms and beliefs and in the definition of family, […]
Join us for a fun-filled interactive hour of play. Meet other Jewish families in the community, and explore Jewish values through stories, songs, snacks, crafts, and movement. WE WELCOME EVERYONE including unaffiliated, single- and multi-parent, multi-faith, multi-ethnic, multi-abled, and LGBTQIA+ families. Complimentary to all!
Yaldeinu is CBI Millburn’s Shabbat and High Holiday service for families with children or young adults with disabilities. The 45-minute program is led by an educator using a modified prayer book, creating an interactive experience in a supportive, nurturing environment.
For over the past 8 years, Adath Shalom has been hosting monthly programming for adults in the community who have special needs. Many guests join us from Jewish Services for the Developmentally Disabled Residences, though we also have guests who live in other home environments. Adath Shalom’s monthly program includes a Shabbat service utilizing a […]
If you’ve never put on tephillin, If you’re just learning to put on tephillin, If you’ve forgotten how to put on tephillin, If you know how & want to help someone else, THEN JOIN US! We join together to celebrate and learn about one of our oldest & most important mitzvoth. Men & women, members […]
Religious School Open House Visit our building, meet our Clergy & Board of Education • Religious school with an innovative award-winning approach o Open Classroom - your child learns at their own pace o Weekly T’fillah – learning by doing o Welcoming children with all types of learning ability, they are a part of our […]
You are invited to the annual Rabbi Alexander M. Shapiro z"l Memorial Lecture & Breakfast, generously sponsored by Betty Feinberg. Rabbi Shai Held, one of the most influential Jewish thinkers and leaders in America, is President and Dean of the Hadar Institute in New York City. Rabbi Held received the prestigious Covenant Award for Excellence […]
Join your Federation community for a private viewing of the immersive Nova Music Festival Exhibition – The Moment Music Stood Still – at 35 Wall Street in New York City. This installation is a stark remembrance of the day, recreating moments from the festival from scorched cars and bullet-riddled bathroom stalls to personal belongings left behind. We'll […]
This exhibit of calligraphic paintings by New York artist Eleanor Winters is in memory of the Jewish children of Paris who were deported to the Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. Of the 6500 children deported between 1942 and1944, few if any survived. These emotionally evocative paintings are based on plaques installed throughout Paris in […]
Hatikvah Havurah - Knitting/Crocheting/Crafters: Monday, January 8, 7:00 PM (in person) Announcing a new way to connect with old friends and make some new ones at CBH - Hatikvah Havurah! By its very definition, a havurah is a Jewish fellowship, especially an informal one, to have discussion or prayer. This, new small, special interest group […]
Please join us for Baby Fun, every Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. until May 21st. This class is for babies 6-24 months. You’ll meet lovely families and friends, enjoy sensory play, live music, and crafts and snacks with your little one. No class: 2/20, 4/23, or 4/30 Please RSVP to join - […]
Adler Aphasia Center is hosting a “Getting the Word Out” Community Fair in West Orange, NJ on Tuesday, May 7th from 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm. Attendees will have the opportunity to speak with over 30 organizations about programs and services they provide for the aging and disabled population in Essex County and beyond. There […]
The Emergent Curriculum Community of Practice (CoP) will convene classroom and leadership educators with medium to advanced experience in child-led, emergent curriculum to learn with one another and take their skills to the next level. This CoP will be led in collaboration with Gatherround Consulting. Through reflective and collaborative practices, participants will build curriculum based […]
Join your friends for golf & fun! Temple Beth Shalom is hosting our 15th Annual Golf Outing on May 9th at Cedar Hill Country Club. Join your friends for golf, fun on-course contests, raffle prizes, brunch & cocktails. Come for the day or after play for our fabulous cocktail reception and not-to-miss raffles! 11AM: Brunch […]
Join us for a bit of respite and to meet fellow caregivers. We will make flatbread, enjoy some light bites, and learn about resources and ways to help reduce the stress of being a family caregiver.
Considering sleepaway camp for 2025 or beyond? Join community members Hannah Zollman and Ariel Stein at a free, informative session with experts including Tracy Levine of Federation's One Happy Camper team and Nina Essel of Balanced Kids. RSVP to [email protected]
Join Rabbi Julie, Rabbi Ari, & Cantor Lorna for a special Shabbat experience just for 0-5 year olds and their adult companions, followed by community dinner.
With roots and upbringing spanning Yemen, Israel and the United States, Achinoam Nini aka Noa, is Israel’s most highly acclaimed international singer, songwriter, percussionist, speaker and activist. Her accomplishments include being the first Jewish person to perform at the Vatican, representing Israel with Israeli-Palestinian artist Mira Awad at the Eurovision song contest, and writing/performing the […]
Join us for a fun-filled interactive hour of play. Meet other Jewish families in the community, and explore Jewish values through stories, songs, snacks, crafts, and movement. WE WELCOME EVERYONE including unaffiliated, single- and multi-parent, multi-faith, multi-ethnic, multi-abled, and LGBTQIA+ families. Complimentary to all!
This exhibit of calligraphic paintings by New York artist Eleanor Winters is in memory of the Jewish children of Paris who were deported to the Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. Of the 6500 children deported between 1942 and1944, few if any survived. These emotionally evocative paintings are based on plaques installed throughout Paris in […]
Our week of celebrating Israel begins with the solemn observance of Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day. Join your Greater MetroWest community and our rishonim and shlichot as we remember Israel’s fallen soldiers, victims of terror attacks, and all who gave their lives for the state of Israel. This year’s ceremony will also honor the victims of […]
Please join us for Baby Fun, every Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. until May 21st. This class is for babies 6-24 months. You’ll meet lovely families and friends, enjoy sensory play, live music, and crafts and snacks with your little one. No class: 2/20, 4/23, or 4/30 Please RSVP to join - […]
Celebrate Yom Haatzmaut at the J with a classic Israeli film and the chance to meet legendary filmmaker Avi Nesher! Free admission with registration The Troupe, a musical comedy about an IDF entertainment troupe during the 1969 War of Attrition with Egypt, launched the careers of several iconic Israeli actors and musicians in 1978 including: […]
JOIN US for the Livingston Celebrates Israel Independence Day Event! Livingston Community Center program from 4pm-6:15pm; followed by Israeli flag-raising @ Livingston town hall at 7pm. Let’s celebrate Israel’s 76th Independence Day by gathering and enjoying a fun evening together!
Join us on Israel Independence Day (Yom Ha'azmaut) to celebrate Israel and raise money for the rebuilding of Kibbutz Nahal Oz which was devastated in the October 7th attacks. Following […]
Travel with the JCC to Tuscany Italy in 2024!! Please click here for more information:
Please join us for an elaborate cocktail dinner reception, live entertainment and engaging program, as we celebrate JCHC's good work, while raising funds and awareness for its mission of providing […]
Hey teens, join us for a barbeque dinner* and festive gathering to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut — Israel Independence Day! We’ll eat good food, enjoy games led by the rishonim, and work […]
Losing your job and searching for a new opportunity or working at a job where you are not happy can be stressful. In this webinar, Kelly Sachter, LCSW, will discuss […]
Our tradition continues at the annual Builders & Allied Trades event. Come together as a community to celebrate Federation's historic Centennial year and hear from two young Israelis as they […]
The third Shabbat of every month at 5pm at Temple B'nai Or in Morristown. All families with children up to age seven are welcome to learn, to play, and to […]
Please join us for Temple Shalom's Open House Weekend. Friday, May 17th - Rock Shabbat, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israeli Dancing Sunday, May 19th - Gil Harach Fun for Tots 10:30am Open […]
Join us for a fun-filled interactive hour of play. Meet other Jewish families in the community, and explore Jewish values through stories, songs, snacks, crafts, and movement. WE WELCOME EVERYONE […]
Join us for a fun-filled interactive hour of play. Meet other Jewish families in the community, and explore Jewish values through stories, songs, snacks, crafts, and movement. WE WELCOME EVERYONE […]
Please join us for Temple Shalom's Open House Weekend. Friday, May 17th - Rock Shabbat, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israeli Dancing Sunday, May 19th - Gil Harach Fun for Tots 10:30am Open House 11:30am-1:30pm. Meet our group leaders and tour the building. Food, refreshments, and ice cream will be provided. Come see what we have to offer. […]
Congregation Shomrei Emunah In Montclair, NJ is proud to partner with Moving Traditions to launch a Tzelem group for LGBTQ+ teens. This group is open to 7th - 12th graders […]
Join your Greater MetroWest community in celebrating Israel’s birthday at our first-ever Yom Ha’Atzmaut Block Party! You’ll enjoy: a delicious Israeli-style Kosher BBQ lunch and Kona Ice* shopping for Israeli products […]
Please join us for Baby Fun, every Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. until May 21st. This class is for babies 6-24 months. You’ll meet lovely families and friends, enjoy sensory play, live music, and crafts and snacks with your little one. No class: 2/20, 4/23, or 4/30 Please RSVP to join - […]
Join your fellow rabbis along with Federation CEO Dov Ben-Shimon, Director of JCRC Linda Scherzer, Director of Holocaust Education Ilyse Shainbrown, and Director of Community Engagement Amy Biloon, to discuss what you are seeing and hearing in your congregations and communities about the needs in and around combatting antisemitism, creating Jewish empowerment and more.
Is Gluten Free Right for Me? Nutrition Workshop sponsored by Cooperman Barnabas medical Center May is Digestive Health Month. Lean when a gluten free diet is needed and learn which foods are free of gluten.
Join us for a LIVE Global Briefing to hear how JDC’s ongoing efforts assist in the rehabilitation of those who were mentally and physically wounded in action, or survived unspeakable violence on October 7th, to find purpose once again.
Mountain Ridge and Federation have a history of doing good — together. This event welcomes all Mountain Ridge Country Club (MRCC) members to join us for golf, pickleball, tennis and dinner, as we gather in support of our Jewish community. 4 p.m. Golf shot gun start/Pickleball & Tennis Round-Robin 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Program To RSVP for […]
Join BK for Lag BaOmer, to mark the time between the Exodus from Egypt (Passover) with the giving of the Torah at Sinai (Shavuot). Fun for kids, teens, and adults! After dark Havdalah. Food by Marcel plus Smores. Live music with Israeli Surfer band Habbina Habbina with guest singer Gili Yalo. 100% of the funds […]
This exhibit of calligraphic paintings by New York artist Eleanor Winters is in memory of the Jewish children of Paris who were deported to the Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. Of the 6500 children deported between 1942 and1944, few if any survived. These emotionally evocative paintings are based on plaques installed throughout Paris in […]
Registration Link: The Union County Torah Center - Chabad will be presenting a Lag B’Omer Family Celebration at the center, 111 Laurel Place, Westfield on Sunday, May 26 at 5:00pm. Featuring: Extreme Rockwall Climbing, Moon-Bounce Magic Maurice with Magic & Balloons Sports & Games with Throwback Sports BBQ, Sno-Cones & Cotton Candy Bonfire & […]
The idea of conscripting Israel’s ultra-Orthodox population into the IDF, often referred to as “sharing the burden,” has been debated for many years. Following the events of October 7 and the military’s need for additional manpower, and with Supreme Court deadlines approaching, this issue has gained new urgency, sparking passionate arguments on both sides. Join […]
Join us for an important and timely presentation by Ben Ryberg of The Lawfare Project. Ben will speak about what The Lawfare Project does to protect the civil rights of Jews in a campus context, how the law works and how it can be used to fight back in cases of antisemitism on college campuses, […]
Join us for our May Mitzvah of the Moment: Collecting Reusable Shopping Bags! Your donations will provide dignity, convenience, and sustainability to those facing food insecurity at a local food pantry. Let's make a difference together—donate your unused bags and spread compassion and sustainability. Together, we can brighten shopping trips and keep our planet cleaner. […]
How do you leverage LinkedIn for maximum results? What are the latest features and how are they used? In this webinar, LinkedIn expert Jeff Young will answer these questions and many more. You will have the opportunity to ask “how-to” questions and see behind the scenes of LinkedIn to obtain a better understanding of its […]
Join us for the 2024 Federation Annual Meeting as we honor our Greater MetroWest community’s historic Centennial, look back at the year’s challenges and triumphs, and begin our new century. Highlights of the evening will include tributes to outgoing Jewish Community Foundation president Steven D. Levy and outgoing Women’s Philanthropy president Deborah Jacob, and recognition […]
Join Rabbi Julie, Rabbi Ari, & Cantor Lorna for a special Shabbat experience just for 0-5 year olds and their adult companions, followed by community dinner.
Yaldeinu is CBI Millburn’s Shabbat and High Holiday service for families with children or young adults with disabilities. The 45-minute program is led by an educator using a modified prayer book, creating an interactive experience in a supportive, nurturing environment.
For over the past 8 years, Adath Shalom has been hosting monthly programming for adults in the community who have special needs. Many guests join us from Jewish Services for the Developmentally Disabled Residences, though we also have guests who live in other home environments. Adath Shalom’s monthly program includes a Shabbat service utilizing a […]