Or Hadash: Wrap With the Rabbi
Or Hadash 153 White Meadow Road, RockawayIf you’ve never put on tephillin, If you’re just learning to put on tephillin, If you’ve forgotten how to put on tephillin, If you know how & want to help someone else, THEN JOIN US! We join together to celebrate and learn about one of our oldest & most important mitzvoth. Men & women, members […]
Temple Sholom: Religious School Open House
Temple Sholom of Scotch Plains 1925 Lake Avenue, Scotch PlainsReligious School Open House Visit our building, meet our Clergy & Board of Education • Religious school with an innovative award-winning approach o Open Classroom - your child learns at their own pace o Weekly T’fillah – learning by doing o Welcoming children with all types of learning ability, they are a part of our […]
Judaism is About Love: A Conversation with Rabbi Shai Held
Oheb Shalom Congregation 170 Scotland Rd, South OrangeYou are invited to the annual Rabbi Alexander M. Shapiro z"l Memorial Lecture & Breakfast, generously sponsored by Betty Feinberg. Rabbi Shai Held, one of the most influential Jewish thinkers […]
Nova Music Festival NYC Exhibition – Private Viewing
New York City*Join your Federation community for a private viewing of the immersive Nova Music Festival Exhibition – The Moment Music Stood Still – at 35 Wall Street in New York City. This […]
Paris/Auschwitz: Remembering the Children
Jewish Museum of New Jersey at Ahavas Sholom 145 Broadway, NewarkThis exhibit of calligraphic paintings by New York artist Eleanor Winters is in memory of the Jewish children of Paris who were deported to the Nazi concentration camps during the […]
Yom HaShoah Commemoration
This year it feels more important than ever to come together to remember and honor the victims, survivors, and heroes of the Holocaust and to renew our commitment to sharing […]
Town Hall Webinar: A Discussion of the Situation at Rutgers University
ZoomOn Thursday, Rutgers University officials shamefully agreed to most of the demands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators in exchange for the dismantling of a tent encampment on campus. Those demands include releasing […]