“There is no better example of Greater MetroWest’s ability to help those in need than the immediate support that Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest provided to Ukrainian Jews fleeing their country after it was invaded by Russia."
When did you get involved with Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ?
My wife Rachel and I have been involved for a number of years, but I have become far more active since 2020.
How are you involved?
Several ways. I currently serve as a member of the Business and Professionals Network Committee which has been a great way to meet other local professionals who share an interest in Jewish philanthropy (and having a good time). I was a 2022 Borinsky participant which was both a lot of fun and provided me a deeper understanding of all the amazing things Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest does on a daily basis. Another recent meaningful experience my family and I have had was participating in the Twin with a Survivor program as part of my daughter Riley’s Bat Mitzvah. Through this program, Riley was able to spend time with a Holocaust survivor living in the Greater MetroWest area and learn about the horror she and her family experienced during the Holocaust and the remarkable life she has lived since.
When you last (volunteered, made a donation, etc.), how did that make you feel? What inspires you to give?
With two teenagers at home, and Rachel and I both having time intensive jobs, we do not have as much time as we would like to volunteer. As such, financially supporting the largest Jewish philanthropy in New Jersey is a no-brainer for us. By donating to Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest, we help assure that there are financial resources available for those partner organizations that most badly need the support locally and abroad. There is no better example of Greater MetroWest’s ability to help those in need than the immediate support that Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest provided to Ukrainian Jews fleeing their country after it was invaded by Russia. While in a perfect world, Rachel and I would want to be directly involved in these kinds of efforts, for now knowing that our financial contributions help allow these efforts to take place is incredibly rewarding.
What motivates you to stay involved?
Most simply, wanting to help Jews who need help.
What do you wish other people knew about Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ and the work we do together?
As I mentioned earlier, I was fortunate to participate in the Borinsky program because it gave me a much deeper understanding of all of the work Greater MetroWest does and the breadth of partner organizations it supports. Anyone who is looking for a way to support Jewish causes can feel confident that philanthropic donations given to Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest will be meaningfully spent.
What would you tell someone who is thinking about (donating, volunteering, etc.)?
As Nike says, just do it. I promise you will feel great getting more involved and playing a role (large or small) in a wonderful organization.