March 8, 2019

A Beloved Teacher

Dov Ben-Shimon Federation CEO

If you’ve ever heard Dr. Erica Brown speak, you know that she’s amazing – and you’ve already signed up to hear her at our upcoming Synagogue Leadership Seminar on Sunday, March 31. And if you haven’t heard her speak, you need to!

She’ll be talking to us about Succession Planning through the lens of synagogue life, but I can promise you that, no matter what the topic, she’ll inspire and elevate you, as she’s done for many in our community already.

Dr. Brown’s resume is impressive, to say the least. She’s a scholar who, among other roles, directed the Jewish Leadership Institute at the Federation of Greater Washington. She’s a teacher, currently serving as an associate professor at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Education and Human Development and the director of its Mayberg Center for Jewish Education and Leadership. She’s an author who has written many ground-breaking works on Jewish leadership and learning as well as a weekly column on Jewish Wisdom that appeared in the Washington Post and that you can read on her website.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

David Brooks of the New York Times wrote of Dr. Brown, “I concluded that Brown’s impact stems from her ability to undermine the egos of the successful at the same time that she lovingly helps them build better lives. She offers a path out of the tyranny of the perpetually open mind by presenting authoritative traditions and teachings. Most educational institutions emphasize individual advancement. Brown nurtures the community and the group.”

Intrigued? I recommend you take a few minutes, check out her website, try to talk to some of our Wexner Fellows or others you know who’ve had the pleasure of attending one of her classes, and then check your calendar. If you’re free on Sunday morning, March 31, join us for this event. It’s free and open to the entire community. And it’ll be an hour and a half you’ll never forget.