Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Provide a Hibuki Dog and Trauma Support to an Israeli Child

Meet Hibuki

Hibuki is a stuffed therapeutic sad faced toy dog which helps children deal with trauma. The $50 cost per Hibuki includes training for parents and educators on how to use Hibuki to help children express emotions and process trauma. In the months following October 7, 2023, approximately 2,000 Hibuki dolls have been distributed — but many more are needed. Your contribution will help ensure that every child who needs a Hibuki can have one.

Our goal is to raise enough money for 600 Hibukis. Join us in making a meaningful difference in the lives of these children, one Hibuki doll at a time.

Learn more about Hibuki
The cuddly toy taking away Israel’s trauma – Jewish News

With just one gift to Federation’s UJA Annual Campaign, you can help children in Israel find peace and comfort through programs that make them feel safe, provide food and basic needs to a family impacted by the attack on our partner community of Ofakim, support students facing antisemitism on campus, and deliver security training sessions to a local synagogue or Jewish social service agency. Donate here