March 14, 2024

Meeting the Needs of our Holocaust Survivors

Federation is partnering with two national organizations, each of which is bringing important funding for essential services to Greater MetroWest.

Federation has been awarded $150,000 for 2024 by the Jewish Federations of North America Center on Holocaust Survivor Care and Institute on Aging and Trauma, dedicated to helping Holocaust survivors and all older adults with a history of trauma receive the care they need to thrive.

This funding will support critical needs of Holocaust survivors and help to address two other pressing issues of older adults – the issue of elder abuse in Union County and the challenges of underserved older adults in South Orange/Maplewood. In addition, Federation will receive $25,000 to support the needs of foreign-born older adults (who are not Holocaust survivors) in Union County. The funding helps make possible:

  • A Russian-speaking social worker for Holocaust survivors at Jewish Family Service of MetroWest (JFS MW)
  • A socialization program for Russian speaking survivors at JFS MW
  • A case manager and emergency financial assistance for older adults in need in South Orange and Maplewood through JFS MW
  • A case manager to support Holocaust survivors at Jewish Family of Central NJ (JFS CNJ)
  • A case manager and emergency financial assistance for clients of Project CEASSE (Combatting Elder Abuse through Supportive Services and Education) at JFS CNJ
  • Chaplaincy services through Federation’s chaplaincy department for survivors and “2Gs” (survivors’ children)
  • Outreach to foreign born older adults by JFS CNJ to identify needs and connect the older adults to services.

All of these services are delivered in accordance with the principles of Person-Centered Trauma Informed care, which gives voice and choice to older adults and acknowledges that trauma they experienced earlier in their lives may continue to impact them today.

In addition, the KAVOD SHEF (Survivors of the Holocaust Emergency Fund) Initiative in partnership with the Seed the Dream Foundation matches our community’s dollars on a 1:1 basis, thereby making our dollars go twice as far. For 2024, Federation is leveraging dollars in the Holocaust Survivor Care Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation with KAVOD SHEF funding to provide the JFSs with the following amounts to address the emergency needs of Holocaust survivors:

  • JFS MW: $180,000 from each of Federation and KAVOD SHEF for a total of $360,000
  • JFS CNJ: $112,500 from each of Federation and KAVOD SHEF for a total of $225,000.

We are grateful to both our local donors and our national partners. With their support and collaboration, Federation can step up to help ensure Holocaust survivors and others receive the critical services they need.