There is no better way to make meaningful connections than to experience Israel and other overseas Jewish communities for yourself. Federation offers a variety of travel and work opportunities for people of all ages.
Federation Missions
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ missions are travel experiences unlike any other and are for people of all ages and all interests. Join us as we explore the past, present, and future of the Jewish people in locations as diverse as Israel, Poland, Cuba, Argentina, Cherkassy, Italy, and Former Soviet Union. Learn more.
Teen Travel
Passport to Israel
Connect to your heritage and build your Jewish identity. There’s no better way to make meaningful connections than to experience Israel for yourself. All Jewish high school students (grade 8 – gap year) who reside in the Greater MetroWest community are eligible to receive a grant from Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ for travel to Israel on an educational peer group trip. Qualified programs include those organized by a synagogue, school, youth group, or organization for a minimum of 10 days. Many programs qualify you to receive a grant. Guidelines apply. Additional need-based funding may be available. Apply now
Alexander Muss High School in Israel
Spend an incredibly special semester abroad in Israel! Alexander Muss High School in Israel (HIS) has a variety of sessions to choose from ranging from 6 weeks to a full semester to all year. Feedback from MetroWest teens who have studied at HSI has been beyond positive. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Learn more.
Destination: Service Learning
This is a JTEEN incentive for teens to try a Jewish service-learning experience. If you are a Jewish teen who lives or goes to school in Greater MetroWest NJ and interested in service but have never done it in a Jewish context before, or if you know a teen like this, we hope that this grant will help Bring Jewish Learning to Life for you! Grants are $250 for programs under 14 day and up to $800 for programs 14 days or longer. Learn more
RootOne is an ambitious new initiative that aims to help brings tens of thousands of Jewish teens from the U.S. to Israel on immersive summer teen trips. They are providing subsidies of $3,000 for teens entering 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, or graduating high school who choose to participate in programs offered by one of these five youth serving organizations (YSOs) – BBYO, USY, Ramah, Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), and NCSY. Vouchers are limited and are not guaranteed so apply soon! Learn more.
Birthright Israel
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ is proud to partner with Hillel to provide the gift of fun, exciting, and FREE 10-day Taglit-Birthright Israel trips. Whether you’re originally from Greater MetroWest, or just working or studying here, we welcome young Jewish adults between the ages of 18-26 to join our trips! For questions, or more information about the Taglit-Birthright Israel gift, please contact Rebekah Adelson at (973) 524-0443 or [email protected].
Dream Israel
Dream Israel is a new initiative helping to provide all Jewish teens with the life-changing opportunity to study abroad in Israel while also giving back to the Jewish State. In exchange for fundraising for a philanthropic cause in Israel, students in 10th, 11th or 12th grade can earn a grant of up to $7,500 towards their academic program with Alexander Muss, URJ Heller High, Ramah TRY or USY High. Learn more.