White Meadow Temple/Or Hadash

Synagogue Information

Address: 153 White Meadow Road, Rockaway, New Jersey, 07866, United States Phone Number: (973) 627-4500 Email Address: [email protected] School Email Address: [email protected] Early Childhood Center Email Address: Website: http://whitemeadowtemple.org/
Affiliation: Conservative County: Morris Early Childhood Center: No Physically Accessible: Yes Accommodations for Hearing/Visual Disabilities: No Congregational School: Yes

About this Synagogue

An egalitarian and participatory community, White Meadow Temple/Or Hadash seeks to create an environment where Jews from all backgrounds can enter our house to worship in ways that are spiritually meaningful. We are a small, informal synagogue, with programming and learning for all ages, taking pride in our openness and sense of community: within our congregation, with the greater Jewish community, and with the general community. Services and committee meetings sometimes last long - because everyone stays to schmooze! We are blessed with a warm and beautiful sanctuary and are currently updating our governance structure to better serve the congregation and allow for greater participation by our members (who are already involved and dedicated!). We are a small but mighty community with a rich history and dynamic evolution to respond to the nature of contemporary Judaism.