December 19, 2024

It’s Time to Dream

Steven D. Levy Interim CEO

This week’s Torah portion is Vayeshev, which is memorable for its description of Joseph’s two famous dreams foretelling the future. Thinking about the future is something I do a lot as CEO of our Jewish Federation and after almost three months in the position, I think it is time to do some of our own dreaming. 

Having visited all our local agencies and partner organizations, I see the amazing work they do and how many needs are still unmet—it is time to dream about the day when our community can meet all those needs. 

Seeing the recent developments in Israel and the potential for a more stable and peaceful time—it is time to dream of when all our hostages are returned from their captivity, and Israel lives in a safe environment with neighbors and friends surrounding it, not enemies. 

As we wrap up our community’s multi-year, $250 million Centennial Campaign—it is time to dream about how best we can put the funds we raised to work to improve the lives in Greater MetroWest Jewish Community and our partners in Israel and around the globe. 

Supervising the incredible professional team at our Federation and Jewish Community Foundation gives me the opportunity to marvel at all the good work we accomplish on a day-to-day basis—it is time to dream about the many more things we can do over the next six months, six years, and six decades. 

And finally, as we prepare to celebrate Hanukkah, our festival of light—it is time to dream of how each one of us, individually and more importantly as a community, can bring light into the world with generosity and good deeds. 

My own dreams for everyone include good health, financial security, intellectual stimulation and curiosity, and most of all satisfaction with our lots in life.   

Happy Hanukkah and best wishes for a wonderful and dreamy 2025.