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Congregation Beth Hatikvah Music Shabbat and Potluck Dinner

Date: Friday, January 5
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm (EST)
Congregation Beth Hatikvah

Music Shabbat Service and Potluck Dinner – Monthly on the first Friday of each month
In-Person and Streaming
6:30 PM Potluck (in person) If you would like to participate in the potluck, please bring a dairy/pareve (non-meat) dish.
7:30 PM Shabbat Services (streamed) Friday night service with The CBH Singers for a service filled with music, spirit, and friendship.

We encourage you to join in person, but if you aren’t able to, contact CBH office for zoom link to watch online.

We are a group of very different people—Jew and non-Jew, men and women, straight and LGBTQ, people of different ethnicities, beliefs, political stripes and backgrounds—who share one thing.
We experience Judaism as a sort of magnetic force drawing us together, and within it we find, in one way or another, the power, inspiration and knowledge to live our lives fully and with purpose.

As a Reconstructionist synagogue, we make Judaism relevant to our modern lives. Music, social justice, food, learning and laughing all play a big part in our communal lives.

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