JDC story: The Strongest People You’ll Ever Meet: During War, Living With a Disability in Israel.
A great article by my colleague Avi Siegel, Federation’s Director of Teen Initiatives, on what our kids need to be alright. And an important update from my colleague Linda Scherzer, JCRC Director, on Rutgers making a powerful decision in support of Jewish students.
The October 7 massacres have spurred a massive Torah scroll writing project: Thousands of Israeli Jews, including President Isaac Herzog, have filled in letters on parchment to commemorate the 1,200 dead; and raise awareness for the hostages still in captivity.
A study conducted by Goshen, an organization promoting community child health and wellbeing, as well as the Israeli Pediatric Association, indicates that 84% of Israeli children overall are suffering from emotional distress. Forty percent of parents are also feeling stressed and anxious, but only 14% of parents have sought help for their or their children’s mental health.
Jordan navigates delicately amid Israel-Hamas war.
Former Member of Knesset: Why is Israel unable to explain the war in Gaza to the world? |