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News & Events > Shabbat Shira “Empowering the Woman’s Voice”

Shabbat Shira “Empowering the Woman’s Voice”

Date: Friday, February 3
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (EST)
Temple B’nai Or
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

This Shabbat prayer experience takes place during the Israelites “crossing of the Sea”. It is said that Miriam takes the timbrel in her hand and all the women follow her in dance and song. In this Shabbat, we will highlight and celebrate women’s creativity, poetry, music and leadership. We will hear reflection of stories from women who have and continue to lead our larger Jewish community. Join us for this inspiring community event that will bind us closer together, empower us to lead, create and launch us into the future of more freedoms for women

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