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Oheb Shalom: Shiny Shoes and Magic

Date: Sunday, March 17
Time: 10:30 am - 11:30 am (EDT)
Oheb Shalom Congregation

A Purim story and magic show for families with kids in preschool and elementary school.

We begin with a comic retelling of the Purim story by the B&T* Shiny Shoes Collective (Benji Marx and Cantor Eliana Kissner), including bits of slapstick, spontaneous breakouts into song, and opportunities for audience participation. If you are pro-shenanigans, this event is for you! The story will be followed by a performance by the one and only Magical Dave.

*B&T stands for Bigtan and Teresh, the pair of characters in the megillah who plot to kill the king.

Everyone is encouraged to come in costume to celebrate this festive day.

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