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JVS Job Seekers Virtual Workshop: The Resilient Job Seeker

Date: Thursday, August 3
Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am (EDT)
Jewish Vocational Service

The pandemic has made these last few years a roller-coaster of uncertainty, stress and strong emotions. In normal conditions, a job search is very demanding and can take a toll on you, mentally and physically. To stay healthy during such a career transition, it’s very important to look after your well-being and resilience.

The topic of resilience looks at how well we handle the challenges that Life hands us. Job loss, and the ensuing challenge of a job search, place great demands upon our coping resources. So, strengthening our resilience helps us to stay healthy, strong, and sharp despite the ups and downs of the transition.

In this informative and interactive session, Career Transition Consultant Terry Seamon will share several research-based strategies — maintaining positivity, engaging your strengths, leveraging relationships, clarifying your sense of purpose, and accomplishing goals — to help you cultivate your resilience and your wellbeing during a challenging job hunt.

There will be 20 minutes of open networking with fellow job seekers after the presentation.

Terry Seamon is an executive career transition consultant with The Ayers Group where he coaches executives and professionals that are in career transitions. He previously had a long career in the corporate world as a HR training manager in such industries as energy, telecom, and pharma-chem, and is the author of three books.

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