A weekend of great discussions, company and food with journalist and activist Andrew Silow-Carroll, Editor-at-large of the New York Jewish Week, op-ed editor at the Jewish Telegraph Agency. Learn the secrets of Jewish resilience and humor to get through hard times- a poignant, funny and thought-provoking weekend.
Register at https://www.adathshalom.net/…/Scholar-in-Residence-2024..
Friday Night topic: Casting Doubt: when non-Jews play Jews in movies and TV, what does it say about Jewish identity? Join us FREE for dessert and talk.
Saturday Kiddush following services at 12 Noon: FREE to all- Israel: How did we get here and where do we go from here?
Havdalah dessert (18.00 register above): Oy, Don’t Ask! How Jews find resilience through humor!
Join us!