Coffee & Connect (Livingston)

Federation’s Young Family Committee invites you to attend a Coffee & Connect at a private home near YOU this winter!  We’ll chat and connect without our children (non-walking babies are welcome). You’ll meet […]

CBI Millburn: Bim Bam Tot Shabbat

Congregation B'nai Israel 160 Millburn Avenue, Millburn

A special Shabbat experience just for 0-5 year olds and their adult companions! Join Rabbi Julie Schwarzwald, Rabbi Ari Isenberg, & Cantor Lorna Wallach for Shabbat songs and stories. Usually followed by FREE dinner for families.


TBA: Tot Shabbat

Temple B'nai Abraham 300 E Northfield Rd, Livingston

Preschoolers and their parents are encouraged to join us for a lively Tot Shabbat service. Led by Rabbi Vaisberg, or Cantor Epstein, or Rabbi Max Edwards, we welcome Shabbat with singing, clapping, stories and celebration! Please RSVP to for the pizza dinner