Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ
Centennial Community Engagement > Centennial Sponsors > in honor of Maxine B. & Theodore R. z”l Murnick​

Jay & Jodi Murnick, Lee Murnick, Amy & Mark McKeag & families in honor of Maxine B. & Theodore R. z”l Murnick

All Centennial Sponsors

The Murnick family helped build our Greater MetroWest community.

Ted z”l and Maxine’s vision, generosity, and dedication to our Jewish community, both in Greater MetroWest and in Israel, spans decades.

Ted served as a member of the Board of Trustees of United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ and as a Board member and Executive Committee member of our JCF. He was president of Oheb Shalom Congregation in South Orange and also served as a board member of our partner agencies, the Jewish Community Housing Corporation (JCHC) and Daughters of Israel. Ted was active on many Federation committees.

Maxine is President-elect and a current trustee of our Jewish Community Foundation (JCF), serves on the Executive Committee of Federation as Assistant Treasurer and is a vice-chair of our Centennial Campaign.

Passionate about Jewish women’s shared values and role as change-makers in our community, Maxine is a proud past Women’s Philanthropy campaign chair and president. She is also a past chair of both our Federation’s UJA Annual Campaign and the Unified Allocations Council.

In honor of Centennial, Maxine and the Murnick family made a historic $4 million gift to create the Theodore R. z”l and Maxine B. Murnick PJ Library Endowment Fund of JCF, the largest PJ library endowment gift ever made in North America.

In addition, Maxine was one of the first in our community to establish a Living Lion of Judah Endowment or Living LOJE. As a result of these gifts, taken together with Maxine and Ted’s most generous prior commitments to our community, our Federation is honored to recognize Ted and Maxine and the Murnick Family at the $5 million “Preservers” Level for Centennial.

Jay & Jodi Murnick, Lee Murnick, Amy & Mark McKeag & families  generously made a Centennial sponsorship commitment in their honor for Centennial Shabbat and the Women in Leadership program.