JTEEN Iris Mitzvot Orientation
JTEEN Iris Mitzvot Orientation
JTEEN Iris Mitzvot Orientation
Zack Bodner, who is the President and CEO of the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto, Ca, and who was the former Pacific Northwest Regional Director of AIPAC will be discussing his book, Why Do Jewish? A Manifesto for 21st Century Peoplehood. Among the questions to be discussed: How Do I Live a More Meaningful […]
Due to the current situation in Israel, this event is canceled. As Israel struggles with tensions and division around the judicial overhaul bill, the work to strengthen Israel’s civil society has never been more important. Please join us to learn more about the work on the ground, the current situation, and the important role American […]
Community Atzeres Tefilah in support of Acheinu B'nai Yisrael in Eretz Yisraelsoli
9:30 a.m. Coffee and conversation 9:45 a.m. Program and Q&A Due to the current situation in Israel, our original speaker, Gil Hoffman, is unable to join us. We are honored to welcome Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer, president of the Shalom Hartman Institute and renowned author. CEO Dov Ben-Shimon will discuss Federation's response to the crisis and […]
From Jennifer Rosner, National Jewish Book Award Finalist and author of The Yellow Bird Sings, comes a novel based on the true stories of children stolen in the wake of World War II. Two decades later, they are each building lives for themselves, trying to move on from the trauma and loss that haunts them. […]
Join us at noon on Zoom this Friday for an update and hear from our own Michal Zur about her terrifying experience in Kibbutz Erez during the attacks.
Join other Greater MetroWest 30s and 40s at Daughters of Israel* to welcome Shabbat, sing songs, and enjoy time with residents. For more information, contact Jordan Vaughter at [email protected]. Registration […]
We will be celebrating Shabbat while marking this painful week through prayer, song, and community. We will say Kaddish for those killed, pray for the return of hostages and those injured, and sing Hatikvah.
Join us for our monthly Family Shabbat Experience (Friday evenings, 6:00PM) including a participatory service in English & Hebrew followed by a delicious Shabbat Dinner! Visit our website to RSVP […]
Temple Har Shalom's Shabbat Service will be one for Solidarity and Shalom. The Service will include prayers and music for Israel and peace. We hope for the community to come together in comfort in this time of heartache.
JCCMW Travel to Israel (Oct. 14-26, 2023)
For over the past 8 years, Adath Shalom has been hosting monthly programming for adults in the community who have special needs. Many guests join us from Jewish Services for the Developmentally Disabled Residences, though we also have guests who live in other home environments. Adath Shalom’s monthly program includes a Shabbat service utilizing a […]
Join us for a fall-tastic day of hiking with your SLC friends and family! Schedule 9:00 – 9:45am: Check-in for all hikes. A light breakfast and snacks will be available […]
Family fall festival on the campsite
We invite you to join us at Surprise Lake Camp on Sunday, October 15th, 2023. You will have the opportunity to meet some of our key staff, see our beautiful […]
Join us for an exciting day celebrating Fall at Sprout Lake! Enjoy inflatables, activities, art projects, a hay ride, sports, and much more! This FREE event is open for returning […]
Come and see why everyone loves Camp Galil! Meet the counselors, tour camp and enjoy fun activities and delicious food!!