Temple B'nai Or, Morristown Jewish Center, and Congregation Beth Hatikvah in Summit will gather at TBO for a joint pre-Shavuot Night of Study. There is not charge, though donations are […]
We are excited to host the annual community-wide Shavuot program for us, Bnai Keshet, Congregation Shomrei Emunah, and Temple Ner Tamid.
Celebrate Shavuot with Union County Torah Center – Chabad Tuesday Night June 11 | 11:00 PM Annual Late Night Torah Study Topic: The Torah’s View on Astrology/Horoscope Wednesday June 12 | 6:00 PM Hear the 10 Commandments from the Torah and enjoy an ice cream and cheesecake party
Join Rabbi Inna Serebro-Litvak and guest speaker Joann Hamel for a warm, welcoming and inclusive Shabbat service celebrating our friends in the LGBTQ+ community.
Pride Shabbat Service with Guest Speaker Kate Brookes: Trans101:One Jewish Family's Journey
Pray & Play is an informal and fun worship experience created especially for families with children five years old and younger. Older siblings are always welcome! Pray & Play starts at 10am with music, stories, and parachute time, followed by a bagel brunch. Pray & Play is always free and open to all! Bring a […]
This exhibit of calligraphic paintings by New York artist Eleanor Winters is in memory of the Jewish children of Paris who were deported to the Nazi concentration camps during the […]
Annual meeting
Installation of new board president and board of trustees.
Bus tour to various agencies in the City of Newark
Enjoy unique fashion brands and a chic shopping experience at Mixology Clothing Company while supporting your Jewish community. 10% of every sale will benefit Federation's 2024 UJA Annual Campaign. Can't […]
Chabad of SE Morris County Solidarity Gala
The Women's Solidarity Mission to Israel is designed specifically for women age 65+ who would welcome the opportunity to show their solidarity through volunteering, visiting partner communities, and bearing witness […]
References are an integral part of the job search process. You should always plan ahead of time and not wait to the last minute when you are about to receive […]
The fun begins at 4:30 with a special workshop for children of all ages with a former Barnum and Baily's Circus performer before a dinner and show! Free to children of all ages accompanied by a caregiver. Please be sure to register!