UC Torah Center: Ladies’ Night: Challah Bake and Tu B’Shvat Party

Union County Torah Center - Chabad 111 Laurel Place, Westfield, NJ, United States

Ladies' Night: Challah Bake and Tu B'Shvat Party Time: 7:00 PM Location: 111 Laurel Pl, Westfield, NJ 07090 RSVP: https://torahcenterchabad.org/ladies-night-challah-bake-and-tu-bshvat-party-2024/?


JCC MW: Tu B’Shvat Community Shabbat Dinner

JCC MetroWest in West Orange 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange, NJ, United States

Together with your community, celebrate Tu B'Shvat with an interactive experience connecting us to the land of Israel. Israreli music,osher dairy dinner and more! All ages welcome and encouraged to […]


Or Hadash: Virtual Havdalah

Or Hadash 153 White Meadow Road, Rockaway, NJ, United States

Join us Saturday evenings as Rabbi Charlie leads us in a Zoom Havdalah service. All are welcome – “see” you there!

TBO: Shabbat Shira “Empowering the Woman’s Voice”

Temple B'nai Or 60 Overlook Rd., Morristown, NJ, United States

As Miriam led our people in song and dance, we gather to honor women's leadership through challenge toward hope. Join us to empower the woman's voice. Featuring music and reflections […]


Or Hadash: Pajama Havdalah

Or Hadash 153 White Meadow Road, Rockaway, NJ, United States

Come in your PJs as we say goodbye to Shabbat!


CAI: 6th Annual Comedy Night

Congregation Agudath Israel 20 Academy Rd., Caldwell, NJ, United States

We could all use a laugh right now and stand-up comedian Cory Kahaney is known world-wide for them! Cory has appeared on "Last Comic Standing," "The Late Show with Steven […]

$30 – $100

Solidarity Mission to Israel

Community leaders from across Greater MetroWest NJ* are invited to participate our next Solidarity Mission to Israel. During this 3-day mission, we will stand in solidarity, bear witness, and provide […]

Adath Shalom: Practical Tikkun Olam Tu Bishvat Seder!

Adath Shalom 841 Mountain Way, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

Music, fruit, healthy brunch, songs, teachings, friends and a special focus on things that you can do in the course of daily life to help our environment and world! With […]


Social Media and the State of our People

How we can use social media effectively to help Israel win the war on the media battlefield, which is the key to winning on the military battlefield and the fight […]

LifeTown: UMatter safeTALK Training


* Acquire the tools to identify and help individuals with mental health challenges. * Get trained in suicide alertness skills *Receive safeTALK certification upon completion YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE […]