Event Series Hanukkah Shabbat and Latke Dinner

Light Up the Dark: A Night of Unity and Hope

Temple Ner Tamid 936 Broad Street, Bloomfield, NJ, United States

53 days have passed since October 7. Our hearts are full of joy for the hostages who have been released back into the loving arms their families. Our prayers are louder with each passing day that any of the hostages still remain in Gaza. Please join us in supporting the hostages who continue to be […]


MJCBY: Hanukkah Play & Party

MJCBY, Morristown 177 Speedwell Ave, Morristown, NJ

Come celebrate Hanukkah with us at Morristown Jewish Center! OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY ALL ARE WELCOME FREE OF CHARGE Hanukkah Play directed by Cantor Shana Onigman Delicious Hanukkah Treats Hanukkah […]


Ohr Torah Youth Chanukah Carnival

All youth and families are invited to Ohr Torah for our annual Youth Chanukah carnival on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 from 10 AM until 12 PM! Face painting, balloon animals, donut […]

$10 – $50

Hanukkah Celebration with Grandparents & Grandchildren


Join grandparents, grandchildren, and family members in Israel and across North America for a joyful Hanukkah gathering featuring Israeli artist Hanoch Piven. Featuring:  Welcome by Doron Almog, Chairman, the Jewish […]

Adath Shalom’s Chanukah Bagels and Bingo

Adath Shalom 841 Mountain Way, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

Holiday fun for all ages! Games and activities, bagel and Chanukah goodie lunch, all ages welcome! FREE to all: Please RSVP.

Chabad: Madison Menorah Lighting

The Madison Menorah Lighting will take place on Sunday, December 10th, the fourth night of Chanukah, at 5pm.The Menorah is located across the street from the Hartley Dodge Memorial building […]

Millburn/Short Hills Public Menorah Lighting

Taylor Park, Millburn 100 Main Street, Millburn, NJ, United States

Public Menorah Lighting in Taylor Park, Millburn Township DJ with Chanukah Music Hot Latkes and Donuts, Hot Chocolate and Coffee Free embroidered Chanukah Beanies, with Am Yisrael Chai and Chanukah […]


Summit Community Menorah Lighting

Village Green in Summit 365 Broad Street, Summit, United States

Join us on the Village Green in Summit for a Community Menorah Lighting, sponsored by Temple Sinai, Ohr Shalom-SJCC, and Congregation Beth Hatikvah.

Chabad: Chatham Menorah Lighting

The Chatham’s Menorah Lighting will take place on Sunday, December 10th, the fourth night of Chanukah, at 7pm. The Menorah is located at the Gazebo in Firehouse Plaza on Fairmount Ave. in […]

Maplewood/South Orange Menorah Lighting

Celebrate the Festival of Lights! Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate. A two-towns Menorah lighting on Monday, December 11th at 6pm at the Springfield Avenue Gazebo, 1688 Springfield Ave, Maplewood.

Chabad: East Hanover Menorah Lighting

The East Hanover Menorah Lighting will take place on Monday, December 11th, the fifth night of Chanukah, at 6pm. The Menorah is located in front of Town Hall at 411 Ridgedale Ave. in […]

TBEMC: Hanukkah Party

Temple Beth-El Mekor Chayim 338 Walnut Avenue, Cranford, NJ, United States

Join us for dinner, a Hanukkah comedy show, menorah lighting and dance party!

Chabad: Florham Park Menorah Lighting

The Florham Park Menorah Lighting will take place on Tuesday, December 12th, the sixth night of Chanukah, at 6pm. The Menorah is located in front of the Gazebo at 111 […]