Event Series Camp Deeny Riback Open House

Camp Deeny Riback Open House

Camp Deeny Riback 208 Flanders Netcong Rd, Flanders

New and Prospective Families: Visit Camp Deeny Riback for a tour of camp with our Leadership Staff. Have fun on our playgrounds and end the tour with a S'more. 208 Flanders Netcong Road, Flanders, NJ 07836


Cong. Beth Hatikvah: Tu B’Shevat Hike

Watchung Reservation Sky Top Drive, Scotch Plains

Tu B'Shevat is the Jewish New Year of the Trees. Celebrate with CBH and take an hour long, 2 mile hike in Watchung Reservation, weather permitting, with discussion questions to […]


JNF: Family Tu Bishvat Seder

Come together with other young families from Central New Jersey to enjoy our annual Tu BiShvat seder and commemorate the birthday of the trees. Participate as a family and plant the seeds of our future Zionists while enjoying this special seder. Stand united and learn how you can be instrumental in supporting the essential aid […]
