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Communal Shavuot Celebration

Temple B'nai Or 60 Overlook Rd., Morristown

Temple B'nai Or, Morristown Jewish Center, and Congregation Beth Hatikvah in Summit will gather at TBO for a joint pre-Shavuot Night of Study. There is not charge, though donations are […]

Shavuot Leil Tikkun

Temple Sholom of West Essex 760 POMPTON AVE, CEDAR GROVE

We are excited to host the annual community-wide Shavuot program for us, Bnai Keshet, Congregation Shomrei Emunah, and Temple Ner Tamid.

UC Torah Center: Shavuot Celebration

Union County Torah Center - Chabad 111 Laurel Place, Westfield

Celebrate Shavuot with Union County Torah Center – Chabad Tuesday Night June 11 | 11:00 PM Annual Late Night Torah Study Topic: The Torah’s View on Astrology/Horoscope Wednesday June 12 | 6:00 PM Hear the 10 Commandments from the Torah and enjoy an ice cream and cheesecake party