“Torn,” a new documentary by Israeli-born, New York-based filmmaker Nimrod Shapira delves into the controversy surrounding the “Kidnapped from Israel” poster campaign, a grassroots effort to raise awareness about the 240 hostages taken by Hamas. “Torn” explores the motivations of those who put up and tear down the posters in and around New York City, unraveling the complexities of this intense proxy battle, fought thousands of miles from the actual conflict.
A panel discussion with Nimrod Shapira and participants from the film will follow the screening. Please see our web site for further details.
Viewer discretion advised: this film is not rated and includes footage from street protests and confrontations and some footage from October 7.
75 mins – English and Hebrew with English subtitles
Open to the public
All tickets are $12 (advance registration preferred)
Theater doors open at 6:30
Also join us for Part 2 of Commemorating October 7, 2023 at JCC MetroWest on Monday, October 7 at 1pm
This event is sponsored in part by Susan Roth