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  • Bnai Keshet – Kaplan Minyan with Rabbi Michael Strassfeld

Bnai Keshet – Kaplan Minyan with Rabbi Michael Strassfeld

Date: Saturday, December 9
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (EST)
B’nai Keshet

Rabbi Michael Strassfeld will be a featured guest speaker on December 9th at the Kaplan Minyan, part of Saturday morning services at Bnai Keshet in Montclair.
He will be teaching from 9-10 about texts exploring the theme of prayer. At 10 am he will be co-leading a very out of the box, creative service with Rabbi Elliott Tepperman focused on the themes of Hanukkah, Hallel and Light. After the service he will be speak about his newest book Judaism Disrupted: A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st Century.
Come for the text study, the service, and/or the talk, and join us afterwards for a light kiddush meal.

Rabbi Michael Strassfeld was one of the editors of the Jewish Catalog (1973) a guide to do-it-yourself Judaism that sold over 300,000 copies. He authored The Jewish Holidays (1985), co-authored A Night of Questions: A Passover Haggadah (1999) with his wife Rabbi Joy Levitt, and authored A Book of Life: Embracing Judaism as a Spiritual Practice (2002). His newest book Judaism Disrupted: A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st century (2023, Ben Yehuda Press) was published on the 50th anniversary of the Jewish Catalog. He is the rabbi emeritus of the SAJ (Society for the Advancement of Judaism).

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