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Adath Shalom Open Door Minyan

Date: Friday, February 21
Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm (EST)
Adath Shalom

Adath Shalom hosts an Open Door Minyan on a monthly basis that includes a service, Kiddush luncheon, and music with more details below.

In honor of Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) Adath Shalom will be hosting an inclusive Shabbat experience. A Shabbat dinner will start off the evening followed by a special service thereafter.

RSVP’s are required to make sure there is seating available for all as well as food.

For More Information please contact Bonnie Rosenthal, Chairperson, at [email protected] or call (973) 361-5456

For more details about our regularly scheduled Open Door Minyan events see below.

Adath Shalom hosts an Open Door Minyan on a monthly basis for adults in the community who have special needs of any kind. Guests join from JSDD group homes, other group homes, and/or private familial settings. A one hour service includes an adapted hands-on prayerbook. Guests receive aliyot (parts in hebrew and/or english) throughout the service. When the service is complete guests enjoy an inclusive Kiddush luncheon followed by music with the Rabbi or Cantor. All efforts are made to make the environment special for all including staff and family members as well.

RSVP’s are requried in order to make sure there is enough seating as well as food.

For more information or to RSVP for a future event e-mail Bonnie Rosenthal, Chairperson at [email protected] or call (973) 361-5456.

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